He said he would do it, and he has Tate Mayfairs has become the first DOUBLE Rumble Champion after a shock win over favourite Syd Manelli at last night’s sold out show in Sittingbourne. A crowd of near on 300 saw Mayfairs record a first fall in the sixteenth minute of a twenty minute, 2 falls match and then what opponent Manelli and all of the crowd claim was to waste as much time as possible of the remaining three and a half minutes to win by the one fall. Following this, there have been a number of comments and emails and an official protest from the former champion, and the Promoters are looking to a request for a return with both titles at stake in a lumberjack match, with wrestlers surrounding the ring so there is no escape In the next show in the area in October.
TATE AT THE DOUBLE - First ever holder of two Rumble titles